Greetings from the Planet Ferina...
Moth Moth Moth is an inter-dimensional insectoid witch princess, who's taken refuge on Earth with creativity that is out-of-this-world and will transform your soul. You can find her home base is in the dirty south of Memphis, TN where she hosts regular drag shows, advocates for LGBTQIA+ Rights, expands your imagination and celebrates the community.
The Important Things
Mothie has their hands in many projects around the city, here are some of her favorites!
What's going on here anyway?
Mothie's blog of art, drag, and newsworthy notions!
2023年1月25日 · The Memphis Flyer,Articles,Drag2022年11月1日 · Drag,Protests,Focus Magazine2022年9月1日 · Articles,Focus MagazineImportant details from Mothie's Fanpage!
Contact the Mothie Mothership
Please send me a short email if you would like to discuss business or bookings!
The Magical Miss Mothie
Moth Moth Moth
The Magical Miss Mothie Website Copywritten by Moth Moth Moth
Site design by Legend of Shelda